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Python Machine Learning

Learn to Build AI with Python


We will restart the ‘Learn to Build AI with Python‘ project from scratch on September 1st, 2024 Ajit Jain.

Try Python Quiz 1 (Q1 ~ Q15)


Python Quiz 1 (Q1 ~ Q15)

1 / 15

Q. 1
Are the following statements valid in Python 3?

a, b = 0 ** 3, 0 / 3
print(a, b)



2 / 15

Q. 2
In Python, which letter is used to represent imaginary numbers?


3 / 15

Q. 3
In Python, 6 % 10 is 6. What's the output of this code snippet?

print (6 % -10)



4 / 15

Q. 4
In Python, a set can contain duplicate items.

5 / 15

Q. 5
What does PyPI stand for in the Python programming world?

6 / 15

Q. 6
What would be the result of evaluating the following Python code?

my_dict = {"a": 1,"b": 2}
x = my_dict.keys()
my_dict["c"] = 3


7 / 15

Q. 7
Which command correctly lists all installed Python packages?

8 / 15

Q. 8
What is the output of following Python code?

print([1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6])


9 / 15

Q. 9
What's the output of this Python code?

a = True <= False


10 / 15

Q. 10
Which Python code correctly calculates and prints the sum of two numbers?

a = True <= False


11 / 15

Q. 11
What is the output of following Python code?



12 / 15

Q. 12
What is the output of following Python code?

print(1 + True)


13 / 15

Q. 13
Using the datetime module, which statement correctly prints the current date and time?

import datetime


14 / 15

Q. 14
What is the output of following Python code?

mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4]


15 / 15

Q. 15
What is the output of following Python code?

mydict = {"dob": 1998, "dob": 2002, "dob": 2005}


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Try Python Quiz 1 (Q16 ~ Q30)


Python Quiz 2 (Q16 ~ Q30)

1 / 15

Q. 16
What is the output of following Python code?

print(1 ** 2 ** 2 ** 2)


2 / 15

Q. 17
The .pyc extension in Python stands for ....?

3 / 15

Q. 18
Is the following code valid in Python?

my_first_$ = 50


4 / 15

Q. 19
In the Python World, PEP stands for ....?

5 / 15

Q. 20
What is the output of following Python code? Note: In Python 3, output of print(8 // 4) is 2.

print(4 // 8)


6 / 15

Q. 21
What is the output of following Python code?



7 / 15

Q. 22
What is the output of following Python code?

print(3 / 3 ** 2)


8 / 15

Q. 23
What is the output of following Python code?

print("Python " + "3", "12", "0", sep=".")


9 / 15

Q. 24
What is the output of following Python code?

print([1, 3, 4, 2].sort())


10 / 15

Q. 25
How do you remove the element 'Java' from the following Python list?

my_list = ['Python', 'Ruby', 'Java', 'C++']


11 / 15

Q. 26
How can I add 'Player Y' to the team_2 (a python list)?

team_1 = ['Player A', 'Player B']
team_2 = ['Player X']


12 / 15

Q. 27
What is the output of following Python code?



13 / 15

Q. 28
What is the output of following Python code?

x = 2
x += 2


14 / 15

Q. 29
What is the output of following Python code?

players, points = ['A', 'B', 'C'], [10, 20, 30]
print(type(zip(players, points)))


15 / 15

Q. 30
In Python, we use an escape character to insert illegal characters in a string. An escape character is a ....?

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Try Python Quiz 3 (Q31 ~ Q45)


Python Quiz 3 (Q31 ~ Q45)

1 / 15

Q. 31
What is the output of following Python code?

print(list(range(6, 12, 2)))


2 / 15

Q. 32
What is the output of following Python code?

set1, set2 = {"John", 21, True}, {True, "John", 21}
print(set1 == set2)


3 / 15

Q. 33
What is the output of following Python code?



4 / 15

Q. 34
What is the output of following Python code?

a = 50

def my_func():
    a = 10




5 / 15

Q. 35
What is the output of following Python code?




6 / 15

Q. 36
What is the output of following Python code?

b = True
c = False
print(c / b)



7 / 15

Q. 37
What is the output of following Python code?

my_list = [1, 2]
print(my_list * 3)



8 / 15

Q. 38
What is the output of following Python code?

print('ai' in ['AI', 'ML', 'DS'])



9 / 15

Q. 39
Please select the correct Python code.


10 / 15

Q. 40
What is the correct syntax to import an entire module named "math" in Python 3?


11 / 15

Q. 41
What is the output of following Python code?

count += 1



12 / 15

Q. 42
What is the output of following Python code?

list_a = [1, 2, 3]
list_b = [4, 5, 6]
print(list_b + list_a)



13 / 15

Q. 43
What is the output of following Python code?




14 / 15

Q. 44
What is the output of following Python code?

z, y, x = 25, 16, 9
x, y, z = x - 3 ** 2, y - 4 ** 2, z - 5 ** 2
print(x, y, z)



15 / 15

Q. 45
What is the output of following Python code?

my_list = [1, 2, 3, ]



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